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Exodraft Climate GDPR Policy
Exodraft Climate complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) legislation of May 25th, 2018 and takes full responsibility for an ongoing compliance.
Exodraft Climate does not collect personal information that are not relevant/unnecessary to deliver our services to customers or partners. exodraft collects contact names, emails and addresses to be able to process orders and to be able to send out e-news and general information. To unsubscribe from our e-news please send us an email:
Exodraft Climate ensures that any personal data kept are minimized and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed and have no personal data such as date of birth/social security details saved without acceptance.
Exodraft Climate confirms that personal data related to HR related issues is stored securely and access to this information is limited to authorized personnel involved in HR.
Exodraft Climate does not pass on any information to third parties.
Exodraft climate